Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Mount Lokon Located west with an altitude of 1,580 meters. Active volcanoes outstanding. Presents a panorama of mountains with craters were so beautiful. Mount Lokon Located west with an altitude of 1,580 meters. Active volcanoes outstanding. Presents a panorama of mountains with craters so indah.Gunung fire Lokon is located between Tomohon and Manado, North Sulawesi (Sulawesi), assigned the status of "CAUTION" by the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, because it shows volcanic earthquake activity is quite high.
Many mythical story of the past were a little the mystery of why the current volcanic Mount Lokon spewing ash, village Warembungan always shielded from the blast of volcanic ash. Apparently according to myth this village has a strong enough relationship with the attachment and Opo Tatawiaran believed Lokon Mount Lokon as a guard. "
Driven curiosity with stories and myths that developed among villages Warembungan, Tribune Manado then try to seek information from the village elders Warembungan village.
After searching villages that still included in this Pineleng district area, about 15 minutes finally Tribune Manado met a village elders who know a lot about the story Myths about the mystery of why it will never happen rain of volcanic ash in Warembungan when Lokon action.
Opa Laurens Tulus. He is one among the village elders Warembungan village who clearly understand the story of this myth. At the age of 74 years, Opa Laurens was still able to recall vividly the story of his parents in the past about a strong attachment to the relationship between the village Warembungan Lokon mountain.
"When I was younger parents always warned sternly not to do things that are evil and dishonorable," said Laurens Opa opened the conversation.
The reason according to Opa Laurens, if in the villages there Warembungan young girl or boy the wrong village association or deliberately doing things that are immoral then the mountain Lokon erupted definitely. "According to my parents, every Lokon erupted there must be sin or mistakes made by citizens, so we are always reminded to always maintain an attitude especially towards adults," he said.
And so it proved, in the past, especially in the villages Warembungan if there are villagers who caught the error or evil then surely the mountain Lokon spewing ash or lava. "And that's true. Every resident who made mistakes Lokon definitely react," said Opa Laurens.
Only by Opa Laurens, although the mountain Lokon erupted with great force while spitting out volcanic ash material but the village Warembungan always protected from the brunt of the dust and other volcanic material. "That said parents because Warembungan protected by Tatawiran which according to the story is the law of Lokon," said Opa Laurens.
Mount Tatawiran which is currently known as the active crater Tampoluan, elders believed Warembungan used as a protective villagers Warembungan bursts of volcanic ash from Mount Lokon. "That's why since the first village is never in contact with volcanic ash, if any, would very little," said Opa Laurens.
In addition, according to a story also of village elders Warembungan in the past there were very strong psychological bond between the village Warembungan with Opo Lokon is believed to be the primary caretaker of the mountain Lokon. "The elders used to have a very close relationship with Opo Lokon since the warembungan also is the famous original Tombulu very close to Opo Lokon. So the elders used to carry offerings to Opo Lokon," said Opa Laurens.
Because the bonds are closely intertwined here, then when the mountain Lokon action, Warembungan always protected from the adverse effects due to the protection of Tatawiran believed to be in-laws and Opo Lokon Lokon is believed to also be a guard Lokon also guard the villagers Warembungan.
If an when it was found out there was one resident entahkan her citizens Warembungan or the villagers in other areas that still are descendants of people Tombulu fatal mistake or a crime so Lokon erupts, then the elders of the village village Warembungan will gather in one place today the new village is called to submit perminataan offerings as a sign of pardon and forgiveness for the mistakes that resulted Lokon citizens rampage.
"The elders will carry offerings as a sign for mercy also a broom that will be used to repel reinforcements out of the village," said Opa Laurens.
This should be done according to Laurens village elders, because when Lokon amok due to a fatal error that made the villagers make evil spirits gather and meet village. "That's why, when Lokon gush past week can occur more than three times the death of the villagers, it is believed

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