Mount Latimojong
For those of you who do not know that the mountain Latimojong Enrekang located in South Sulawesi province. Some of the peaks of the mountain range Latimojong is tops Latimojong (2800 masl), peak Pantealoan (2500 masl), peak Rante Mario (3478 masl), peak Pokapinjang (2970 masl), peak Sinaji (2430 masl), peak Rante Kambola (3083 masl) , Nenemori peak (3397 masl), Sikolong peak (2754 meters above sea level), and peak Bajaja (2700 masl). From the peaks of the highest peak is the peak Rante Mario is the top most interest to climb to rape her. In addition to being the highest peak in the mountain Latimojong, peak Rante Mario is also the highest peak in the South, so you can imagine how excitednya us if this is the peak Rante Mario.
Besides peak Rante Mario, mountain Latimojong also has the second highest peak in Sulawesi, namely peak Nenemori. What would be found on a hiking trail hikers are montane forest or mountain forests. Because the forest ecosystem is so natural, so hikers can only find rare animals such as pigs or dwarf buffalo deer. Montane forests that exist along the hiking trail is a challenge, which can create a climber adrenalin-muncak escalating. Trek climber facing mostly branches of the trees and the rocks were slippery.
To reach the highest peak of the mountain Latimojing, hikers can take the hiking trail to the starting point that Baraka districts. Baraka is in District hikers can perform a variety of physical preparation and prepare ahead of the climb to the top Rante Mario. After the fix with a variety of preparations, hikers can use transportation services Latimojong jeep to the village. Latimojong village also often called Rante Lemo village, jeep usually can only reach this village. After that hikers can continue the journey by foot and passes Hamlet Karuaja. Travelling from village to village Karuaja Latimojing can spend 1.5 hours. After the climbers continue to run and will find the next village is the village Authorship. Authorship in the village there are exotic rivers namely river Salu Authorship. Hikers can beristihata in people's houses and take a walk around the river.
After that hikers can continue the journey to the Post 1dengan follow the river path Salu. Along the way, hikers will find various roads branching often used hunters to find prey. After that climbers should continue through the trip to the Post 2 is often referred to as the Post Goa Gloves Pakpak. In Postal 2 is the track will be slightly decreased, and there are many springs. Heading towards the 3rd and 4th streets will be more challenging, climbers face uphill nan steep road with a slope of almost 80%.
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Pos 5 (Soloh Tama) climbers will find plains that could be used as a temporary base camp. This post also has a stream and is often used as a resting place sementar to reach the top. After that climbers must continue through Pos Pos 6 to 7. At 7 hikers can see several rows of mountain peaks and also the surface Latimojing Latimojing foothills. Post 7 is a vast plateau that has a hiking trail forked, to reach the top Rante Mario, climbers must take the left lane. After that tracks passable steep ascent to the rocky terrain. After passing through 7 post, climbers can finally set foot on the highest level at this Sulawesi.
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