Mount Bawakaraeng located in the district of Gowa, South Sulawesi. On the slopes of this mountain are altitude region, Malino, a famous tourist spot in South Sulawesi. Ecologically, this mountain has an important position as a source of water storage for Gowa, Makassar, Bantaeng, Bulukumba and Sinjai.
Bawakaraeng to the surrounding community has its own meaning. Bring meaning Mouth, Karaeng means God. So Mount Bawakaraeng interpreted as Mount Mouth Tuhan.Penganut syncretism in the area around the mountain is believed Mount Bawakaraeng as a meeting place of the guardians. The adherents of this belief is also a pilgrimage at the summit of Mount Bawakaraeng every hajj season or month of Zulhijjah, along with the implementation of the pilgrimage in the Holy Land. Exactly 10th Zulhijjah, they perform Eid prayers at the summit of Mount Bawakaraeng.
On May 26, 2004, an avalanche tragedy at the foot of Mount Bawakaraeng, precisely in the District Tinggimoncong. The landslide disaster killed 30 citizens and menimbum thousands of rice paddies and plantations.
Ex resulted in the landslide area watersheds (DAS) becomes unstable. Every rainy season, the mud at the foot of Mount Bawakaraeng flowed into the Bili-Bili Dam, the largest dam in South Sulawesi in Gowa district, which is the source of raw water in Gowa and Makassar. Mud also flows into Jeneberang River, the largest river which divides Sungguminasa in Gowa Gowa and stem capital of Makassar in the south.
Mountain which is about 2,705 meters above sea level is also a climbing arena. However, many casualties as a result of freezing to death when climbing during the rainy season
2.Puncak Rantemario-G.Latimojong (Highest peak in South Sulawesi)
Mountains Latimojong located in the district Enrekang South Sulawesi province this type of non-vulcanology and has a lot of peaks and three of them is the highest peak in Sulawesi, namely Dead End (peak) Rante Mario 3,478 m altitude, andes Nenemori 3,397 m asl, Dead End Rante Kambola 3,083 m asl Rante Mario highest peak located at coordinates 120 ° 01'30 "E - 03 ° 23'01" latitude.
At the top of the pole tanggulasi G.Rantemario are made of artificial concrete Mapala 45 makassar, as a sign or monument of the culmination.
3. The peak of Mount Balease (Peak Hardest in South Sulawesi)
Mountaintop Baliase located at an altitude of 2894 meters above sea level.
Baliase mountain village located at bone-bone Bantimurung- Luwu district north of South Sulawesi, the mountain is located in the mountains that stretched from bone-bone to Masamba with an altitude of 2894 meters above sea level, but we have to go through a mountain with an altitude of 3016 mdpl.di tolangi This is where climbers often one thinks sangkah tolangi peak is the peak baliase again when we have to walk about 3 hours and passes through mountains and valleys.
That's why it is said to be the highlight of the hardest Balease peak in South Sulawesi, was in because Tolangi must pass peak where the hiking path is still filled the forest with dense vegetation, and on track pndakian steep and difficult sources of water along this path.
4.Puncak Mount Sesean (Peak easiest in South Sulawesi)
Sesean mountain at an altitude of 2100 meters above sea Located in the district of South Sulawesi Toraja land, this is one of the mountain's most frequently visited by hikers, because it only takes a few hours approximately 4 hours to reach the peak. There are 9 post until at puncaknya.gunung is also often used as a family picnic because the mountain is very open and very rarely overgrown by trees, this hall because dis amination Sesean mountain forest fires have occurred almost menggabiskan 1/8 of the mountain. The mountain is very interesting because of the climbers on the summit can see the whole district. Tanah Toraja when the weather is fine.
5.Puncak Mount Bambapuang (Puncak Gunung Batu loveliest in South Sulawesi)
Mount Bambapuang located at an altitude of 1021 meters above sea level is located in the hamlet Kotu, Bambapuang village, district. Anggeraja, Kab. Enrekang South Sulawesi, while the meaning of Bambapuang are stairs god (according to what I know of) is actually not very well known among Bambapuang Mountin Climbing but Bambapung famous cliff, the cliff Bambapung often used as a training location, event Contest and so forth. Bambapuang cliff is the highest cliff in South Sulawesi but Bambapuang can also climbed by climbers from behind the cliff that is west. And at the top of the mountain there Bambapuang tanggulasi pole made of stone in the form of a cone.
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